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Literature and Media (Bachelormodul)
Nate, Richard

Lehrveranstaltungsnummer: Prüfungsnummer:
Lehrveranstaltungsbezeichnung: Prüfungsbezeichnung:
Literature and Media (Bachelormodul): Literary Modernism and the Visual Arts
Seminar (präsent)
19.04.2023 - 21.07.2023
Federführende Fakultät:
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Dozierende/r: Prüfer/in:
Rössler, Julia
Art der Prüfung:
Semesterbegleitende Prüfung
Max. Teilnehmerzahl:
25 unbegrenzt
Modernism, in its broadest sense, is a period of rapid artistic experimentation and transformation between the 1890s and 1930s. Modernist art and literature are characterized by their aim to explore new literary and artistic techniques (‘Make it New!’). At the same time, modernist literature, film, and theater reflect the major social, cultural and philosophical shifts during modernity: urbanisation, mass culture, the rise of technology, class divisions. In this seminar, we will examine representative works of American modernism including novels, poetry, and film. Doing so, we will particularly study the interrelation between literature and the visual arts (film and painting): how did Literary Modernism appropriate poetic techniques and aesthetic strategies from film and painting and why? Investigating this dimension of American Modernism, we will develop an intermedial perspective on Literary Modernism and we will read a selection of representative works of American modernist literature, theoretical texts as well as discuss relevant examples of visual culture.
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen:
eLearning-Angebot (URL):
A tentative selection of primary readings/viewings may include (but is not limited to) - F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby -, John Dos Passos’s -Manhattan Transfer-; poetry and texts by Gertrude Stein and T.S. Eliot; modernist manifestos and theory (Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Walter Benjamin; Virginia Woolf); examples from modern/modernist cinema.
Lehr- und Lernformen/Veranstaltungstypen:
Anmeldung von - bis:
14.03.2023 -
Abmeldung möglich bis:
Bereits beendet
If you have question regarding the organisation, you are welcome to contact me. A course schedule will be distributed during the first meeting.
Eingeplante Veranstaltungs-/Prüfungstermine 
Datum / Zeit Raum Dozent Kommentar
Mi 19.04.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 26.04.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 03.05.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 10.05.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 17.05.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 24.05.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 31.05.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 07.06.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 14.06.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 21.06.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 28.06.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 05.07.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 12.07.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia
Mi 19.07.2023 16:15 - 18:15 UA-136 Rössler, Julia