
Detailed information about the module 
Module title:
Modelling and Optimization with OPL
Module title (english):
Modelling and Optimization with OPL
Module number:
Master (UNI)
Course of study:
Organising faculty/Language Center:
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Instructors responsible:
Kuhn, Heinrich
Credit points (ECTS):
- learn to model real life business problems e.g. from production and logistics by applying mathematical programming techniques.
- can independently implement mathematical models by using OPL on a PC.
- are able to solve the models in IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio and interpret the results.
- deepen theire knowledge in several different modeling techniques.
course content/topics:
- Basics of linear optimization
- Introduction to CPLEX Optimization Studio / OPL
- Techniques of binary modeling
- Optimization of graph problems
- Problems with multiple objective functions
- Simple techniques of stochastic optimization
- OPL interfaces to other applications
formal requirements of admission:
recommended qualifications:
- Basic understanding of decision problems existing in the functional areas of production and logistics (production planning, material requirements planning, resource planning and scheduling amongst others).
- Theoretical understanding of linear optimization is an advantage
Lehr- und Lernformen/Lehrveranstaltungstypen:
- Lecture
- Exercises
- Project paper
requirements for the attainment of ECTS points:
The project paper serves the assessment of the understanding of the modeling language. The written exam tests the understanding of the modeling techniques discussed in the course. Both assessment methods are necessary to test the comprehensive course content. For the project paper the participants get a randomly assigned fictive, extensive decision problem. For this problem, the following has to be prepared:
- a modeling of the problem as a mathematical program, as well as explanation of the program
- an implementation of the program in OPL
- a verbal and graphical explanation of the of the results for the original problem

The grading of the project paper is done by the following criteria:
- Correctness of modeling and implementation as well as of the results (60%)
- Clarity, comprehensibility and efficiency of the implementation (30%)
- correct language, typesetting and outer form of the paper (10%)

The written exam lasts 45 minutes and a total of 45 credits can be achieved.
workload/distribution of ECTS points within the module:
14h = lecture
30h = reworking of the lecture
14h = presence time in the exercise sessions
32h = preparation and reworking of the exercises
35h = preparation of the project paper
25h = preparation for the exam
150h = total
calculation of module marks:
- Project paper (2-5 pages, as well as implementation) 50%
- Written exam (45 Minuten) 50%
teaching/learning method:
compatibility with other courses of study:
Turnus des Angebots:
Beteiligte Fachgebiete: