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Modulnummer (Link zur Modulbeschreibung) Modulbezeichnung Modulverantwortliche/r ECTS-Punkte
Eichstätter und Ingolstädter Methodenwerkstatt
Eifler, Stefanie

Lehrveranstaltungsnummer: Prüfungsnummer:
Lehrveranstaltungsbezeichnung: Prüfungsbezeichnung:
Questioning the Familiar in Flight and Migration (Modul Qualitative Methodenwerkstatt)
03.06.2019 - 07.06.2019
Federführende Fakultät:
Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Dozierende/r: Prüfer/in:
Hodek Franziska
Art der Prüfung:
Max. Teilnehmerzahl:
0 unbegrenzt
In taking this course, students will accordingly gain knowledge on key theories and concepts of migration, in particular, flight migration, and integration from a sociological point of view. Furthermore, they will understand how these theories inform empirical social research by learning about qualitative research methods and applying them in their own small-scale research projects. Finally, the program enables students to independently conduct their own qualitative empirical study and comprehend how sociologists approach the complex phenomenon of migration today.
This block seminar is part of the international Summer School “Questioning the Familiar in Flight and Migration”
For students enrolled at the KU, it consists of a theoretical entity and an entity focusing on qualitative methods.

Please pay attention: Students from programs of the KU (e.g. Interdisciplinary Bachelor / Master Program, etc.) are obligated to take part only in the first week of the Summer School Program (= from 3rd to 7th June). They are very welcome to participate in the research units in the following weeks, but do not have to.

The theoretical part of the seminar covers theories that aim to explain the sources, motives and processes of migration and different theoretical approaches, which shed light on a variety of perspectives on migration as spatial movement of people. We will focus on several themes, like disintegration, assimilation, alienation, integration, xenophobia and the idea of a multicultural society. We will outline different perspectives on migration and integration as highly complex phenomena and processes with the focus on obstacles, challenges, effects and consequences of (mass) immigration, which affect not only host societies but also immigrants themselves. Conflicts arising between different practically informed approaches, employed by state officials, local authorities, (non-profit) organizations as well as informal neighborhood associations aiming to meet the challenges at hand, will inform the theoretical-sociological investigation. In the center of the colliding interests, the refugee emerges in the role of “The Stranger”, a figure introduced to Sociology by Georg Simmel (1908) and elaborated by Alfred Schütz (1944).
In the methodological part, we will raise the question what qualitative empirical social research is and gain knowledge about its main features, such as openness and adequacy, comparing them with epistemological principles of quantitative approaches. In this context, we will deal with crucial phases of the circular research process, containing the development of research questions, methods of generating and analyzing data as well as “grounded theories” about the identified field. Methodically, we will focus on different forms of interviewing, like guideline interviews and other related types of interviews with the aim of revealing participants’ knowledge and interpretations. As interviewing is conceived as part of ethnographic fieldwork, the students will also get familiar with this specific style of research, including strategies of participant observation, writing field notes and observation protocols. Complemented by central characteristics and methods of Grounded Theory, the seminar shortly introduces to MAXQDA, a software program for the organization and – in our case – interpretive analysis of qualitative research data.
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen:
eLearning-Angebot (URL):
Lehr- und Lernformen/Veranstaltungstypen:
Anmeldung von - bis:
14.03.2019 -
Abmeldung möglich bis:
Bereits beendet
Eingeplante Veranstaltungs-/Prüfungstermine 
Datum / Zeit Raum Dozent Kommentar
Mo 03.06.2019 09:00 - 12:00 Hodek, Franziska
Mack, Edda
Priesterseminar A 234
Mo 03.06.2019 13:30 - 15:00 Hodek, Franziska
Mack, Edda
Priesterseminar A 234
Di 04.06.2019 09:00 - 12:00 Hodek, Franziska
Mack, Edda
Priesterseminar A 234
Di 04.06.2019 13:30 - 15:00 Hodek, Franziska
Mack, Edda
Priesterseminar A 234
Mi 05.06.2019 09:00 - 12:00 Hodek, Franziska
Mack, Edda
Priesterseminar A 234
Mi 05.06.2019 13:30 - 15:00 Hodek, Franziska
Mack, Edda
Priesterseminar A 234
Do 06.06.2019 09:00 - 12:00 Hodek, Franziska
Mack, Edda
Do 06.06.2019 13:30 - 15:00 Hodek, Franziska
Mack, Edda
Fr 07.06.2019 09:00 - 12:00 Hodek, Franziska
Mack, Edda
Priesterseminar A 234
Fr 07.06.2019 13:30 - 15:00 Hodek, Franziska
Mack, Edda
Priesterseminar A 234