
Detailed information about the module 
Module title:
Economics of Migration
Module title (english):
Economics of Migration
Module number:
Bachelor (UNI)
Course of study:
Organising faculty/Language Center:
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Instructors responsible:
Danzer, Alexander
Credit points (ECTS):
- Students of the course acquire detailed knowledge about microeconomic theories of migration.
- Students have developed reflected views on the causes and consequences of migration for the host and source countries.
- They are able to understand the challenge of integrating immigrants. They are able to assess political positions in the fields of migration and integration.
- Students get to know data sources for the study of migration and integration.
course content/topics:
- Migration
- Self-selection of immigrants in the Roy model: theory and evidence
- The labor market situation of immigrants
- The effect of emigration on natives
- Social networks
- The New Economics of Labor Migration: household perspective
- Integration
- The transferability of human capital and skill depreciation
- The integration and assimilation of Immigrants
- The acquisition of language skills
- Specific migrant groups
- Scientists
- Second-generation immigrants: educational success
formal requirements of admission:
recommended qualifications:
Microeconomics I
Lehr- und Lernformen/Lehrveranstaltungstypen:
requirements for the attainment of ECTS points:
The assessment is based on a term paper
workload/distribution of ECTS points within the module:
30 h = Time of attendance lecture
30 h = Preparation and postprocessing lecture
20 h = Time of attendance tutorial
70 h = Term paper
150 h = Total workload
calculation of module marks:
Term paper 100%
teaching/learning method:
- Lectures
- Tutorials
compatibility with other courses of study:
Turnus des Angebots:
Beteiligte Fachgebiete: