
Detailinformationen zur Lehrveranstaltung / Prüfung 
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Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies
Nate, Richard

Lehrveranstaltungsnummer: Prüfungsnummer:
Lehrveranstaltungsbezeichnung: Prüfungsbezeichnung:
Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies
Seminar (präsent)
23.10.2023 - 09.02.2024
Federführende Fakultät:
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Dozierende/r: Prüfer/in:
Dietrich, René
Art der Prüfung:
Max. Teilnehmerzahl:
29 unbegrenzt
With a focus on American literature, this course is designed to introduce you to literary and cultural studies and teach you the basic skills and techniques for literary analysis, as well as some literary and cultural theory. Focusing on what to watch out for when reading poetry, narrative, or drama for literary analysis (and film for filmic analysis), this course will give you the skill set and technical vocabulary you will need for your further course of study in English and American literary and cultural studies. Why is it important that poetry is written in lines, what is the difference between drama and theater, what does its narrative perspective say about a text, and why is literary theory not necessarily about literature at all – these are all questions we will pursue in this course. At the same time, you will gain insight into central texts and authors of American literature from the nineteenth century to the present-day. The course will conclude with an essay-based pass/fail exam which we will also prepare for in the course.
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen:
eLearning-Angebot (URL):
Lehr- und Lernformen/Veranstaltungstypen:
Anmeldung von - bis:
19.09.2023 -
Abmeldung möglich bis:
Bereits beendet
Eingeplante Veranstaltungs-/Prüfungstermine 
Datum / Zeit Raum Dozent Kommentar
Mo 23.10.2023 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 30.10.2023 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 06.11.2023 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 13.11.2023 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 20.11.2023 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 27.11.2023 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 04.12.2023 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 11.12.2023 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 18.12.2023 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 08.01.2024 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 15.01.2024 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 22.01.2024 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 29.01.2024 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René
Mo 05.02.2024 18:00 - 20:15 KGA-304 Dietrich, René