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Literature and Other Discourses (Mastermodul)
Dietrich, René

Lehrveranstaltungsnummer: Prüfungsnummer:
Lehrveranstaltungsbezeichnung: Prüfungsbezeichnung:
Literature and Other Discourses (Mastermodul): Blackness and Indigeneity in the U.S.
Seminar (präsent)
17.04.2024 - 19.07.2024
Federführende Fakultät:
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Dozierende/r: Prüfer/in:
Dietrich, René
Art der Prüfung:
Semesterbegleitende Prüfung
Max. Teilnehmerzahl:
25 unbegrenzt
In the U.S. Blackness is crucially tied to the history of enslavement and its various afterlives as well as the ongoing structures of anti-Blackness in U.S. society. Indigeneity, in contrast, is connected to histories of colonization and dispossession, its lingering after-effects, and the ongoing structures of U.S. settler colonialism. Although Black and Indigenous communities are affected by similar forms of racial exclusion and white settlement shaping the U.S., the differences in their histories and current moment can create differences in how Blackness and Indigeneity is thought about in connection to each other, how it is represented, and how activism for in Black and Indigenous struggles, respectively, is formulated, with liberation being a central term for Black struggles, sovereignty for Indigenous ones. These differences can produce tensions and conflicts as well commonalities and solidarities. In order to better understand how some of these issues are negotiated in different discourses and what they mean for Black and Indigenous communities today, this course looks at theoretical texts, forms of activism, and different kinds of representation. In addition to regular in-person teaching, the course includes guest lectures as well as independent study projects in weeks without an in-person session leading up to a presentation at the end.
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen:
eLearning-Angebot (URL):
Texts to be purchased will be announced closer to the beginning of the seminar. All other texts will be made available via ILIAS.
Lehr- und Lernformen/Veranstaltungstypen:
Anmeldung von - bis:
12.03.2024 -
Abmeldung möglich bis:
Bereits beendet
Eingeplante Veranstaltungs-/Prüfungstermine 
Datum / Zeit Raum Dozent Kommentar
Mi 17.04.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 24.04.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 08.05.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 15.05.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 22.05.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 29.05.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 05.06.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 12.06.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 19.06.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 26.06.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 03.07.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 10.07.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René
Mi 17.07.2024 12:15 - 13:45 UA-135 Dietrich, René