
Detailed information about the module 
Module title:
Service Learning at the Margins – Teaching Online at Refugee Camps worldwide
Module title (english):
Service Learning at the Margins – Teaching Online at Refugee Camps worldwide
Module number:
Master (FH)
Course of study:
Organising faculty/Language Center:
School of Transformation and Sustainability
Instructors responsible:
Roppelt, Rowena
Credit points (ECTS):
Students analyze important individual steps for digital teaching and learn-ing, and test and evaluate their own teaching concepts on the basis of principles of teaching research. They categorize (digital) learning processes and apply this knowledge to their own teaching sessions. Reflection takes place against the background of their didactic theory and according to current standards of adult education. They test and evaluate methodologi-cal considerations and reflect various approaches to media and technolog-ical infrastructure worldwide. Questions regarding just education and edu-cational theories in the context of economical (in-)equality are debated and evaluated. Study-groups discuss hypotheses and present these to JWL representatives.
The situation of people who have been forced to flee is critically reflected, with a particular focus upon the access of refugees to education. Students develop teaching competence in a foreign language, as well as new per-spectives with respect to adult education in international contexts.
course content/topics:
Contextual information: Since 2019 „Jesuit Worldwide Learning“ in coopera-tion with the Catholic University has offered a specially designed online course, entitled „Learning Facilitator“. This course is addressed to talented young people in refugee camps and crisis regions. Women and men from Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Malawi and India are registered as stu-dents at the Catholic University.
JWL wants to give hope and career opportunities to young people who might otherwise have no access to universities. Education helps to support people in regions of crisis and to reduce the causes of flight.
- In this module students learn the JWL educational concept and the program which established at the Catholic University. Student stake responsibility for selected sessions from the program, depending upon their area of study.
Students may select from the following sessions:
- Educational technologies and media;
- Rules of conduct in intercultural contexts;
- Rights of students and the legal protection of children;
- Cross-cultural learning;
- Theories and concepts of intercultural understanding and issues in-volved;
- Learning and gender in a multicultural context;
- Learning in precarious working environments;
- Questions of inclusion and ethnological traditions of exclusion;
- Civic education und democracy building;
Under the direction of experienced instructors from the Catholic University, the students examine the themes and didactic composition of the respec-tive session, and teach the prepared theme online in the respective course. They evaluate course participants according to predetermined criteria. Eng-lish is the teaching language in JWL courses. Students receive feedback from professors and instructors of the Faculty for Religious Education, as well as other cooperating instructors of the Catholic University.
In the course the students engage in an intensive examination of questions regarding the sociology of flight and the living conditions of people in refugee situations, and develop their own position regarding questions of (in-) justice and standards of justice.
Reflection and results, as well as individual teaching experiences are doc-umented in a portfolio and discussed with the supporting instructor.

formal requirements of admission:
recommended qualifications:
Lehr- und Lernformen/Lehrveranstaltungstypen:
Seminar (SE) (2 SWS)
Self-directed learning (SGL)
requirements for the attainment of ECTS points:
Evaluation of performance record with at least „adequate“: Portfolio
workload/distribution of ECTS points within the module:
Regular and active participation or private study: 1 ECTS point
Preparation and follow-up work: 1 ECTS point
Preparation of Portfolio: 3 ECTS points
calculation of module marks:
Proof of performance
teaching/learning method:
compatibility with other courses of study:
Turnus des Angebots:
Beteiligte Fachgebiete:
A cooperation with the Center for Flight and Migration in the context of the module is possible. The module is open for students of all courses of study at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt; interdisciplinary qualifications.