
Detailed information about the module 
Module title:
Strategic Management of Professional Services Firms
Module title (english):
Strategic Management of Professional Services Firms
Module number:
Master (UNI)
Course of study:
Organising faculty/Language Center:
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Instructors responsible:
Ringlstetter, Max Josef
Credit points (ECTS):
- Students analyze organizational forms and business models of different types of professional service firms and the corresponding research literature.
- Students reflect critically on developments in the industries and develop solutions for the transformations of PSFs.
- Students work in groups, developing strategy memos as solutions for different case studies in the field of PSF (e.g. HRM in PSF).
- Students assess their own abilities with regard to different types of PSFs and determine their own career prospects and strategies.
course content/topics:
The module provides participants with insights in important topics of management and strategy in professional service firms. The latter include:
- Accounting Firms,
- Management Consultancies,
- Investment Banks,
- Law Firms.

The course covers central characteristics of companies in these industries. Based on resources critical for success, participants will learn about effective management and strategies in professional service firms.
formal requirements of admission:
recommended qualifications:
Basic knowledge in strategic management
Lehr- und Lernformen/Lehrveranstaltungstypen:
- Lecture
- Guest Lectures
- Discussions
- Presentations
- Computer Simulation
- Case Studies
requirements for the attainment of ECTS points:
- Team Projects:
Students will have to work on a case study as well as on current academic papers and present their findings in groups. Since the interactive character of the course is highly dependent on student participation, active participation in discussions is required.

- Individual Cases / Essays:
Individual tasks are focused on the lectures main topics. They will ensure a deeper insight into the matter. Individual case studies/essays will only be handed in and not be presented but discussed in class. Since the interactive character of the course is highly dependent on student participation, active participation in discussions is required.
workload/distribution of ECTS points within the module:
28 h = Time of attendance lecture
14 h = Preparation and postprocessing lecture
28 h = Time of attendance tutorial
14 h = Preparation and postprocessing tutorial
66 h = Effort for graded case studies/ presentations/ essays
150 h = Total workload
calculation of module marks:
Portfolio 100 %
teaching/learning method:
compatibility with other courses of study:
Turnus des Angebots:
Beteiligte Fachgebiete: