
Detailinformationen zum Modul 
Development Economics
Modulbezeichnung (englisch):
Development Economics
Bachelor (UNI)
Federführende Fakultät/Sprachenzentrum:
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Danzer, Alexander
Leistungspunkte (ECTS-Punkte):
- Students of the course acquire substantial knowledge for the facts about the developing world.
- They are able to apply theoretical and simple empirical economic analyses to the study of development and growth.
- Students have developed reflected views on relevant policy issues.
- Students learn to search for suitable data covering development topics. They are able to analyse, interpret, critically assess, and present the data.
- They acquire knowledge about the global development agenda (e.g., Millennium Development Goals), development aid and International Organizations (e.g., World Bank, IMF).
- Introduction to development economics
- Income and development differences between countries
- Vicious circle of poverty
- Basic concepts of empirical strategies in development economics
- Fundamental determinants of economic development
- Physical capital accumulation, development and growth
- The Solow growth model
- The relationship between investment and saving
- Convergence
- Measurement of poverty and inequality
- Population and economic development, the demographic transition
- Fertility and the economic model of the demand for children
- The income and substitution effect
- Family planning
- The quantity-quality tradeoff in the demand for children
- Human capital and economic development
- Human capital in the form of education
- Human capital in the form of health
- Urban-rural division, labour markets and development
- Migration and the emergence of the informal sector
- Land rights and risky investments
- Development policies
- Anti-poverty policies, aid and development
- Trade policies in developing countries
Formale Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme:
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen:
Mathematics, Microeconomics I, Macroeconomics I
Lehr- und Lernformen/Lehrveranstaltungstypen:
- Lectures
- Tutorials
Voraussetzungen für die Vergabe von ECTS-Punkten:
Written exam at the end of the term
Zeitaufwand/Verteilung der ECTS-Punkte innerhalb des Moduls:
25 h = Time of attendance lecture
25 h = Preparation and postprocessing lecture
25 h = Time of attendance tutorial
25 h = Preparation and postprocessing tutorial
50 h = Exam preparation
150 h = Total workload
Final exam (1 hour) 100%
Lehr- und Lernmethode:
Polyvalenz mit anderen Studiengängen/Hinweise zur Zugänglichkeit:
Turnus des Angebots:
Beteiligte Fachgebiete: