
Detailed information about the module 
Module title:
Cross-cultural Management
Module title (english):
Cross-cultural Management
Module number:
Master (UNI)
Course of study:
Organising faculty/Language Center:
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Instructors responsible:
Gelbrich, Katja
Credit points (ECTS):
In the course of the lecture, students deal with the challenges of cross-cultural business. For this purpose, they first learn about a number of pitfalls that international managers face when dealing with cultural diversity. Students acquire the ability to cope with these pitfalls and to manage the diversity of customers, managers, and employees in organizations. For this purpose, students
- are sensitized to societal culture as an important characteristic of economic agents,
- are enabled to understand the definition and function of societal culture and to understand two pertinent measurement concepts of societal culture,
- learn how managers may solve specific marketing and management tasks in order to successfully market products and services across cultures.
The adjunct tutorial aims at deepen student’s knowledge gained in the lecture. For this purpose, they apply the lecture contents to a real-world case. Hereby, students learn how to solve a case study in the field of Cross-cultural Management. Further, they learn how to present and defend these results in front of the class. Finally, in individually writing a term paper on a pressing question in International Management, students are enabled to reflect on the knowledge learned in class, assess and choose the knowledge that is necessary for solving the problem at hand, and provide hands on recommendations that are applicable in business life.
course content/topics:
- From international to cross-cultural management
- Definition und function of societal culture
- Measuring culture
- Customer relationship management across cultures
- Corporate and societal culture
- Formal structures and societal culture
- Informal systems and societal culture
- Cross-cultural negotiations
- Cross-cultural leadership and motivation
- Cross-cultural teams
- Cross-cultural conflict resolution
- Overseas assignment
formal requirements of admission:
recommended qualifications:
Bachelor degree in economics, business administration, psychology, or related fields.
Lehr- und Lernformen/Lehrveranstaltungstypen:
- Lecture
- Discussions
- Tutorial (solving a case study)
requirements for the attainment of ECTS points:
The portfolio exam consists of two parts. For one part, students are assigned to teams that work together on a case study and present their solutions. The second part is an individual work. Students write a term paper on a given question, using the content provided in the lecture.
workload/distribution of ECTS points within the module:
12 h = Time for attendance (Lecture)
12 h = Time for attendance (Tutorial)
15 h = Self Study (Lecture)
15 h = Self Study (Tutorial)
96 h = Exam preparation
150 h = Total Workload
calculation of module marks:
Portfolio 100 %
teaching/learning method:
compatibility with other courses of study:
Turnus des Angebots:
Beteiligte Fachgebiete:
Alternative Prüfungsform:

In einem 4-seitigen Term Paper müssen die Studierenden eine Fragestellung mit Hilfe der in der Vorlesung besprochenen Inhalte bearbeiten.

Für die Fallstudie werden Teams von je fünf Studierenden gebildet, die gemeinsam eine Fallstudie bearbeiten und die Lösung gemeinsam präsentieren. Bewertet werden sowohl die Präsentation der Fallstudienlösung als auch das schriftliche Term Paper.

- Fallstudie (5/9 = 55 %)
- Term Paper (4/9 = 45 %)